Friday, February 25, 2011

This darn zit

Ohh yeahhhh!!

Zit, so here we go first off I named it this because I sadly have three zits on my chin....there not spread out they're all in one direct spot so it looks like I have a huge bubble on my chin on the left side :( I am sad and I hope they go away.....these are random popped up ones because I rarely get zits nowadays which makes it more worse.

The pretty place I will move to in Parker!
 So other than my own personal zits as I sat here pondering why I would be having this issue and then I thought hey we all have zits in here in our life....both physically and with the people around us. Yes people! I was thinking about the people zits in my life and the ones that ERK me....there isn't a lot but a select few that I can count on my finger that really are pop worthy!! Buuuuttt that's all I am saying about that because I want to talk about growin up!

Yes, I am! Me who cares everyone has their zits and you get over them by the amazing great things and people you do have.

I am spacey when writing but who cares I do not have to be grammatically correct it's my thing :)
I have officially moved up my moving out date....I will officially have my own Apt by May!! YAYYYY So I have been saving my money like crazy for the deposit and the application fee and the furniture I will buy and holy moly it has been hard but it will be so worth it in the end....on top of that I will be finishing school for my teaching degree NEXT is so great! I am so excited!

Right now I am seeing how the experience will be by myself because right now I am doing a weekend babysitting with a few of my favorite kids that I babysit for. I'm not by myself obviously but the kids are asleep and I am upstairs doing hw (oh ps this is my break haha). The kids are in their rooms right next to me and I am watching FRIENDS. In my head this is what my life will be like with my new place.....late hw nights, TV, and snuggling with my Minnie Pearl, cooking my own food (which I do for the whole family anyway), and just me. Me and quiet time, that's what I am so excited for.
One of the greatest shows ever!

Okay so there's my rant and now I am done. I will now start my HW time again. Probably some FB too....and snack


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Jesus is_____

The Mix!! Gosh I LOVE it! I feel like right when I felt like Gal I'm not a leader in Pulse anymore, I just attend main service! Now don't get me wrong I love it down there, I have gained so much about where I need to be but just being in main service to me is not acceptable! I want to do more than just get the great word, I want to serve and witness to SOMEONE! So then The Mix started...holy wowzah! With the last couple of meetings I have grasped so much it sends tingles and shivers down my body. So we got this challenge a couple weeks ago...right around New Years time and here's the message in a nutshell....

-We A-- had to think of how we would start this new year out right....with a clean slate. Then Pastor Aaron went into further detail.....let's go with can we have a clean slate with people. So then he had this paper passed out and on it it said, "Jesus is______" Pastor Aaron, "Jesus is what to some he's hypocritical to others he's loving, to some he's imaginary, but what is Jesus to you..." The first things that came to mind, loving, forgiving, my lord and savior, awesome, and mighty is he!! He's everlasting and indescribable in a way. So then there's three more sections and they say, "Jesus is giving, Jesus is helpful, and Jesus blesses his enemies" and then in short paragraphs Pastor Aaron asks how can you give to someone in can you help someone in need and think of your enemies and what can you do to bless them."
--He emphasized on time, everyone always says I am so busy I have so much going on in life.....annnnnd so did Jesus so you have to be like him right?!? So then the challenge came....what can you do for the next two weeks (before the next Mix meeting) to give, help, and bless your enemy.

--It was so funny that he said give because I had really wanted to take some time and hang out with a few of my "younger sisters" (I like to add them to the actual younger ones I have) and I spent some time with my Sonia love! I was giving up a Saturday to sleep in so that I could just have chill time with Sonia and hopefully not make it awkward :) (Sonia I hope you're not taking this in a bad's not coming out how I want it to sound) Here this fixes it...I cleared my schedule and made sure to not set anything up that Saturday so that I could focus on Sonia and give her the time, talk, and love she needed. So I gave my time to Sonia so that we could chat and have girl time....Starbucks, Pedicures, A stalker trip to Marshalls ;) then to a movie to see "How do you Know" and then dinner at Chili's where bucket list came into play and we became the restaurant bandits ;) it was a great day to talk about so much and not have a dull moment! I really have been getting pushed to get to know more about my "younger sisters" Sonia, Gabby, and Tanisha! and I do not have to be in Pulse to do make the Michelle impact I have wanted to make! I LOVE THOSE GIRLS SO MUCH!! They mean the world to me just like my sister's do!!

The next challenge was to help someone in need, who do you know that could use a doesn't need to be extravagent just something you know will make an impact. So I thought of OH my co-worker....she's a single mom not even knowing where to go and is having a hard I thought bless her with a SHINE magazine!! One that would best fit her needs and let her read it...not force her because there's only so much you can do to help but give her the encouragement she needs.

The harder challenge....blessing your enemies.....we all have them it's no lie....GAL even Pastor Aaron said a little about his. So here's the deal you take or give them something like a Starbucks card and tell them, "Hey God really placed you on my heart and I have really been praying for you this past week and I wanted to just give you a pick me up!" Now if you have enemies and they too know you're not friends ;) watch their reactions they'll be SHOCKED!! Now here's what I ended up doing....While Pastor Aaron was talking he said even just complimenting their outfit that day would be a nice gesture (I literally sat their thinking of who I was going to bless and TWITCHED because this person's outfits are outrageous and I could never say they looked good because I would be lying (hey it's honesty)) So I thought "okay I'll bring them coffee....they're always drinking I would do it in person too...not over text, not putting something in their mailbox but going up to them in person showing them I truly was making the effort to bless them...going out of my way to give them something." So the reaction I got, I prayed too I didn't just say God placed them on my heart and not do anything about it but I prayed for them throughout the days of that week. The day came around and here was my opportunity....I was exhausted and I just wanted to sleep but I said "no I have to do this I have to bless them even though it will be weird and not the best time but God sees where I am at" so I got dressed, went to Starbucks got a White Chocolate Mocha, and then went on my way to take it to them...So I saw this person and they were with their male companion and I asked the person, "Do you have a minute?" she said..."Ummm does he need to come to?" "No this will just take a sec" "Ar-Ar-are you sure he doesn't need to be there" "Oh yeah I'm positive it's nothing bad I just want to give you something real quick" "we-we-we-well ummmm can he come please?" (as she is like death gripping his bicep) "Ummm sure (we go to a side hall and as we're walking) "I'm not planning on hitting or fighting you" (she literally had a face that looked like I was going to punch her or something it was quite hysterical). "So I just wanted to bless you with this coffee, God really brought you to mind the past two weeks (we got snowed out the first week I wanted to do this) and I have really been praying for you. I don't know if anything is going on but you just got a lot of extra prayers and I wanted you to have this warm coffee and the blessing from me, so here you go" and she was STUNNED she was SPEECHLESS the words slowly trickled out of her mouth, "ttthhhank youuuuuu?!?!?" and then a hug. Not much said but I totally got the reaction where she truly didn't ever see it coming and that's what I wanted I am not holding grudges and I think she really needed to see that. I haven't really seen this person around much but she later got my number from someone and text me later and said what she couldn't say in person, "wow thanks for the coffee, it was such a great surprise and thank you so much for the prayers"

See so what can you do?!? Can you get a reaction out of one of your greatest enemies like that,.....can you give your time to someone who has been wanting to hang out with you.....can you help someone who is going through a difficult situation?!? Everyone can truly use a great surprise....not just for a holiday but for any random day. Those are the best kinds of gifts you can give....give them to someone when they least expect it! You never know after that day how much you really made an impact in those people's lives!

So I challenge you.....can you GIVE, HELP, and BLESS YOUR ENEMIES?!?