Wednesday, March 2, 2011

P.S. I think I am amazing! :)

Imagine bigger and more cozy pillows :)
 Oh Yes I am amazing! I am in awe of the person God has made me to be! Since I am moving out n' stuff within the next couple months my family is starting to get hit hard by it...they're getting worried we'll never see each I am going to abandon the family or something.

Me abandon the family NO WAY!! My family and I do EVERYTHING no joke all the time. We go grocery shopping together on the weekends and I love it! (I'm pretty sure they love it too) my mom always jokes around that she's going to leave my sisters and me at home because we're so comfortable in the store sometimes we mini wrestle (even with my dad). A couple of times I have sat in the middle of an aisle because I needed a break, or Shell Shell has tickled/twisted my arm and I have spasmed out and fallen on the floor. :) Then there's Ria who we often pick on for her shortyness (my word yep) and then Re-Re gets mad quickly so we upset her :) Then sissors and I like to venture off on our lonesome to look at make-up, clothes (wal-mart), jewelry, and many other things. Sometimes if my mom is at the store to long we venture off to the mall or Kohls. :) It's a great weekend tradition we always have had.

I think when I move out I'm going to tell my parent's that I still want to go grocery shopping with them on the weekends! Yes, Yes, I will tell them that tomorrow!! :) We're also going to have a "Friday night dinner" thing where I come over to eat or they come to my place (like on Gilmore Girls (Greatest show ever PS))

Lorelai and Rory=Great memories!

Another thing I will do when I move out I have decided to not have a dining room table with giant chairs. I hate sitting in chairs. They're hard and stiff and uncomfortable to me, I like COZY! So here's what I am going to do....I'm going oriental style....a mini table with giant pillows or bean bags to sit on at dinner time! :) Being that my momma has an artificial leg I will have to set up something so it's easier for her or she'll prolly take off her leg or somethin' :)

Shell's worried she'll never be able to ask me if I want a Jolly Rancher again, She's also said, "But Tella you can't move...I'm not done wearing your clothes yet" Hahaha Oh sissor shell you is crazy!

Ria's excited to have a whole clean house...I'm prolly the messiest out of the three....clothes everywhere....sometimes a heel goes in my foot :( and still I like things sprawled out not confined hahaha!

Ria is also worried my baby Minnie Pearl is going to die of sadness :( I think she'll be super excited to get lots of attention and she won't get picked on by Skyler...she'll be content with me uuuh-huhhh! :)

My room=a little worse :)
 Daddy, he's scared he's loosin his baby (me in case you didn't catch that ;p) he knows I can do it, and that I will be fine he's just daddy worried and I love that....there's gonna be many tears shed the first couple nights I am alone I am sure but, I know the plans God is leading me to and so does Daddy, which makes the experience that much more pleasure then sadness! LOVE MA DADDY!!

So, in the end moving time is approaching, the family is trying to get the idea wrapped around their minds and I...I am ready for this monumental occasion!


  1. It is going to be huge, but God will always provide!

    I love that idea of a low dining table with no chairs! Then I can sit cross-legged without any concern :)

    And I can so see you guys wrestling in a grocery store. Haha.

  2. Oh and I REALLY love the title of this post. Because..

    P.S.- I think you're amazing too.

    K bye.

  3. Yes yes cross legged is why I like it too lol

    yes is happens with us in the store and it's hilarious

    Awwww soniers Thanks!!
