Sunday, January 9, 2011

On this road again!

All you can really see that sticks out is new year! I am almost positive that a lot of you have heard this new year talk and have gotten excited, some have made new years resolutions and others have decided to take new steps and new leads to change their lives for better I'm sure.
    I have decided that this year will be progressing to even greater blessing!! Not just for me but for my family and friends, for my church, and my workplace! I absolutely love my life and would not like to change any of where I have come from. I have been blessed with such a loving family that I know not to take it for granted because I know not any one person has what I have!
      This first journal entry I am writing is to express who I am! I want you to know me for me so that when I start to get deep and start to share more and more you know who you're dealing with.
    First and foremost I am 21....ME 21 I still am in shock every time someone asks/says it because I cannot believe that I am this old. I feel like being 17 was only yesterday! I like to think I am growing up but sometimes I just let myself go knowing that I still am a child of God living life to the fullest all because of what he did for me. I catch myself in the toughest situations saying, "No stop others have it worse be THANKFUL for what you have" and then I take a deep breath (Mmm) and I am semi back to normal.
    Random facts:
          *When I eat potato chips, french fries, or anything that comes in portions from a bag, carrots, green beans, pizza rolls, etc I'm a little OCD and have to eat the smallest ones first. (this I shared with my lovely close friend I call my other fam Sonia) it's true though I for some reason go directly for the smallest item on the plate/bowl/etc.
       * I love being jumpy and spastic
       *I make really funny noices when I tell a story
       *or I have my hands all over the place
       *I can never sit still I have to be moving no matter what
      *when I talk with people I stare at their eyes or mouth and if they look uncomfortable or if they are smiling the whole time or have a serious face I have to look away for a split second so I can keep my train of thought
       * I love my toes...Their cute little itty bitty toes but I love the way my feet look
       *My toes HAVE to be painted otherwise I feel naked, even if I have close toed shoes.

Serious facts:
       *I hate being alone in new places and I have to have someone's arm to hold onto when I walk into a new place (like my security blanket)
       *I don't talk with any family outside of the ones that live with me (mom, dad, and my 2 sisters)
       *I like not talking to my "outside family" because I know if we did talk and were close I would not be where I am today...God pulled us out of that and has grown us so much more.
      *I never take two hours to get ready to go some where.
     *I plan my outfits the night before so I can just wake up throw them on (sometimes literally) and walk out the door after brushing my teeth, washing my face and putting make up on (eye liner and blush...sometimes eye shadow)
     * I have very different relationships with my sisters and when we get mad and fight it gets scary

Silly funny facts:
    * I chose to start this blog back up because I have a lot I want to remember this year and having to write it all out with pen and paper seems like a lot of work....and I type way faster. :)
    *I love getting my hair played with...runnning fingers through my hair is very relaxing
    *I rarely brush or comb my falls into the postion I like with just blow drying and finger shaking :)
    *I LOVE pickles!
    *I love the first and last snow of the season everything in between I usually can do without. :)
    * flip flops are so my thing
    *I love wearing heels
     *I hate when I txt someone and they use short one word answers

I feel like there is so much more to say but I don't want to say it all because that will take forever.
As this journey goes I cannot wait to see where it ends up. I am so excited for this year because Jesus is going to do so much.
Pastor Bagwell was talking about in church this morning that the past two years for a lot of people have been rough and tough and God/Jesus is going to restore and bless them and help change them if they're willing to accept.

The past two years for me have been great. Have I gone through my battles through the years YES of course. Just like anyone else has I have had my ups and downs but God has placed this growing blessing on my family and I. Things we have never done we have done the last two years. God has opened so many doors for us that this....right here.....right now is just the beginning of what is to come. I am anticipating this time and I cannot tell you how EXCITED I am!! Huge blessing is just around the corner. I am not placing any limits on this because I know what God has called for me and what is to come. In the last two years I got my second prophetic word prophicied over me. The 1st one was years ago and if I knew what I know now I would have wrote it I do not recall. I do know to the tee what Had been prophecied over me and I will have to share that story another time when it's the right time.

I hope you enjoyed this first look into ME. A crowned JEWEL of his!

Taking those first few steps,

**Ps. I have always loved these lil ones (PRECIOIUS MOMENTS) I found one and color painted it....not too sure how I feel about the colored one but it was fun!

Have a great morning/afternoon/night


  1. Haha I love your food OCDs, cute toes, that you'll eat my pickles, and spastic-ness. God is working so incredibly in your life and I'm so blessed to be a part of it!! I pray you find everything you're looking for this year ;) and I'm excited for what the future holds for all of us!!!!

  2. Hahaha Yes I love taking your pickles too! :) Aww and that is vis versa for you love! You're growin so much and I just LOVE IT and LOVE YOU!

    I Am so excited for what the FUTURE holds for US too!! YAYY
